
Dam Safety



The Feasibility Report dated March 1968, prepared by Nielsen & Maxwell Consulting Engineers projected two reservoirs located within the District's Northern boundary.  Reservoir A-1 (6 acre feet) and Reservoir A-2 (23 acre feet) were never built due to revenue shortfalls and landowner refusal to sell property to the District. 

In 2005, District Manager Aaron F Richards contacted District Engineers, J-U-B Engineers, Inc to prepare preliminary cost of engineering and construction for the New Reservoir A.  The estimated cost was $1,765,734.00.  As above average growth occurred and heavy watering demands grew during the drought years, the District's need for the New Reservoir A became a necessity.  In January 2008, the District contacted the U.S. Forest Service about the possibility of building the New Reservoir A on U.S. Forest Service Property   After hundreds of hours spent in meetings, plan revisions, document revisions by District Personnel, J U B Engineers and U.S. Forest Service personnel the District received a decision memo from the U S Forest Service on June 12, 2009 allowing the District to build the New Reservoir A.  Here are a few facts on the New Reservoir A:

  • Project Engineers: Bryce Wilcox, Jonathan Frazier from J-U-B Engineers.
  • Reservoir A Location: Approximately 1750 N 100 W, Farmington
  • Reservoir A Size: 10.3 acre feet
  • Capacity in gallons: 3 million gallons
  • Length: 350 feet
  • Width: 100 feet
  • Depth: 14 feet
  • Year Built: 2010
  • # of Bidders: 12
  • Built By: Associated Brigham Contractors, Inc of Brigham City, Utah
  • Engineer Cost Estimate: 2.7 Million dollars.
  • Associated Brigham Contractors, Inc bid: $ 1,363,691.00
  • Excavated Material: 78,000 cubic yards
  • Gravel Used: 3,000 cubic yards
  • Rebar Used: 304,000 lbs.
  • Concrete: 1,800 cubic yards
  • Pumping costs: None
  • Service Area: 305 Acres
  • Financial Advisor: Zions Bank Public Finance
  • Water Revenue bonds: $869,000.00

NOTE:     Benchland Water District and Farmington City Corporation worked together on

hauling to Park Lane (Farmington City Road to the North)  saving the District $186,568.31 and saving Farmington City up to $500,000.00 on their project.    

I hope this information is helpful.  Please feel free to call anytime with any questions about the New Reservoir A. 

Scott L Parsell 
District Manager
Benchland Water District